Scurrying Around Campus

…Trying not to die.

And here we are, more or less two years after my last post. Have you bought that string of wire you were thinking of using to strangle me? If procrastination were an actual job, I’d be filthy rich right now, along with more than half of the population.  Continue reading

End It with a Bang…and a Wet Shirt: December 2012

Huzzah, I am not yet dead!

I’m sooooo sorry this took so long. I’m slowly but surely emphasis on the slowly trying to write all the things that have happened in the past year and a half, while keeping track of the current stuff. I have no excuse. It’s spring break over here (Hear! Hear! Filipino student on spring break? You probably already have an idea of what one of the future posts will be about.). And I’m working. Oops, so much for no excuses.

Either way, if you’re still sure you want to see what madness my classmates and I have been up to, read on below! Continue reading